I have decided to create a film opening for my AS Coursework. I will be looking at british crime, thriller and horror genres and researching further into these. From these three genres I will choose one to implement to my film opening. If it is a horror, I would like to create a dark low lighting atmosphere with a death at the beginning and show the creature. If it is a thriller I would like a murderer to call the victim inside a house and tell the victim he is coming for them. If it was to be a british crime, I want the scene to be a typical murder scene and then the portrayal of the murderer commiting everyday activities.

UPDATE: I have chosen to do a british crime drama. The plot will involve Sean and John killing the victim. The camera's POV will be the victim and you will see Sean and John clearly during this murder scene. John and Sean will then walk off and Sean kills John. In the next scene we will jump back to the past and see Sean walking past a grave and then finally bumping into John, this scene will show the start of the film and how the murder scene happened. The scene fades and shows the title of the film.
That is what the opening scene will be like. I may have to change some parts of the scenes due to weather or actors not being available.